Monday, December 1, 2008

The Top Ten New Years Resolutions For 2009 - Trying to Improve

Every year it seems to be the same 10 top resolutions. Why? Because they are just so hard to keep! The only two resolutions listed below that I was able to keep were the quit smoking and get more exercise. I hope that you have better luck than I did. My list includes many of the items listed below, but this article is not about Richard's New Years Resolutions, but the top 10 Resolutions. Here is the list:

1. Get Out of Debt

This is going to be a hard one to keep, with the economy going the way it is going. People are using their credit cards for basic purchases, like gas, food, etc. With the fear of losing their jobs or even their homes. This will be the number one fear of many Americans.

2. Stop smoking

This one should be fairly easy to keep. With governments taxing customers, and the legislation that makes smokers feel so uncomfortable, it should be the one anybody can keep.

3. Get Fit

This is an excellent habit to get into. Once you start it, you will want to continue until you can not.

4. Lose Weight

It is amazing how many overweight people there are in America. I was a physically fit person until I moved to the North East. Than I ballooned up to 286 lbs and had high blood pressure. It has been a long battle, but the weight is coming down.

5. Enjoy Life More

The key here is to find something you love, and do it until you are an expert. You can than teach other people what to do and hopefully start a business doing what you love. With a good grounding in marketing you can always find customers.

6. Quit Drinking

If drinking is a problem for you than you should seek medical advice and attention. Alcholol is an addictive drug, and you will need some serious attention.

7. Get Organized

With the help of a PDA (many cell phones now have these), getting organized is so much simpler. In the old days we had to use index cards and brick tablets. These PDAs help with the mundane stuff, in order that you can get on with the serious things in live. .

8.. Learn Something New

If you love to learn this is so exciting. Why should the young be the only ones to learn? In the past year or so, I have taken up art. I love it, it is so relaxing.

9. Spend more time with the Family

This is where you have to think of quality time, and how you should spend it with your family. What can you and your family do together. Hold a little family council, and see what they like to do together.

10. Help Others

This can be an rewarding endeavor. It does necessarily mean doing things for the low income and the needy. It also can mean helping young kids learn a sport, or recreational activity, etc.

So, that is the Top Ten New Years Resolutions. Write them down and see how successful you are at keeping them. I hope that you have more success than I do.

Richard McDuff has been selling on the internet for 7 years. He has a blog at and you can find other more about the top ten New Years Resolutions visit

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